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About CSC

CSC offers a variety of cloud computing services: the Pouta IaaS services and the Rahti container cloud service.

With the Pouta services, you can can take the control of your IT infrastructure, manage it in flexible fashion, and automate it as you require. You can launch and manage virtual machines, deploy storage, and create networks for your needs. This infrastructure can be used for anything you need, or can imagine.

Finnish universities, polytechnics and state research institutes can use all of CSC's cloud computing services free of charge for open research and education purposes.

How to get access to CSC services

  1. Register / Login using the HAKA authentication method on:
  2. Select Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
  3. Use your JAMK credentials to login (same credentials you use to login to your email)
  4. Fill in the required details
  5. After succesful login, go to: My Projects and select Create a new project
  6. Fill in project name (ttow0130-service-oriented-applications), description (Learning about service oriented applications. Course:, project type (academic), data handling (no) and agree to terms of use
  7. After creating the project, go to the project and from the right side apply for the cPouta service.

Create instance to cPouta

  1. Login using the HAKA authentication to:
  2. Go to Compute -> Access & Security -> Key Pairs: Create a key pair or import an excisting public key
  3. Go to Compute -> Instances: Launch an instance within your usage limits. Small or medium should be fine.
  4. Go to Compute -> Access & Security -> Security Groups. Select the default group and manage rules.
  5. Add a new rule: Custom TCP rule, Ingress, Port, 22, CIDR,, This will allow SSH connections to be established from anywhere in the internet.

Manage instace

  1. You will need to ssh into your instance. Follow the instructions bellow.

Add a floating ip (public ip)

  1. Go to Compute -> Instances: Select the small down arrow next you your instance and select "associate floating ip"
  2. Follow the procedure in the dialog
  3. You should now see a prive and public ip on our instance interface Now you can use SSH to connect to your instance via internet.

SSH with Putty

To establish SSH connection with Putty, you will need to convert your private key from .pem format to .ppk format.

See instructions here:

Further reading